Woodside Residence
Orit Yanai Studio | Woodside Residence
orit yanai, tadelakt, eco plaster, american clay, eco stucco, interior design, wall finish, moroccan clay wall finish, bay area tadelakt, san francisco tadelakt, sf tadelakt
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Woodside Residence

This beautiful residence is located on the beautiful Woodside hills of the Silicon Valley area. It involved all new construction which was completed in 2007. 

The home has quite a traditional feel with its arches, columns, tile and wood floors. The powder room is done in a Moroccan style, and we plastered it in a deep orange-red color which we customized for the client.

We were asked to plaster most of the house in the American Clay Loma finish with no pigment. The soft off-white natural color of the clay added just the right tone to create a very calm and soft feel for the spacious rooms. We plastered all of the walls and ceilings. The American Clay earth plaster looks particularly fine in the arched ceiling, just along the formal dining room.

Our client wanted to create a slightly stronger statement for the spiral staircase and the master suite in the second floor. We added a sandy color called “Santa Fe Tan” to add warmth.


Woodside Residence

Plaster Type

American Clay / Loma finish

Finish Colors

Natural (uncolored), Santa Fe Tan, Custom deep orange-red


American Clay, Bathrooms, Modern